


Unix Data Recovery Tool まとめ


ご存じの通りのオープンソースなリカバリツールです。基本 Unix ファイルシステムに依存するツールです。

dd / ddrescue / e2fsck / foremost / losetup / mdadm / magicrescue / ntfs-3g / photorec

/ scalpel / shred / testdisk / xfs_repair


dd は入力から出力へデータをコピーするコマンドである。cp はファイルからファイルにコピーするだけであるが、dd はファイルからデバイス、デバイスからファイル、デバイスからデバイスへのコピーも可能なため、ディスクのバックアップやダンプにも使用できる。




強制的に、ibs=BYTES 且つ obs=BYTES とする。
























# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda
"/dev/hda"は、IDEプライマリハードディスクを示す。内蔵ハードディスクが1台の場合は、「内蔵ハードディスク全体=IDEプ ライマリハードディスク=/dev/hda」になる。
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb


# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1


# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda (プライマリハードディスク全体)
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hdb (セカンダリハードディスク全体)
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda (1番目のSCSIハードディスク全体)
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb (2番目のSCSIハードディスク全体)
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda1 (プライマリハードディスクの第1パーティション)
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda1 (1番目のSCSIハードディスクの第1パーティション)


エラーが起こっても中断してほしくないので、 少しオプションを付け加えます。
# dd if=/dev/hd1 of=/dev/sd1 conv=sync,noerror bs=4096 count=1
'conv=sync,noerror' がポイントで、 エラーが起こっても少しスキップして続きをコピーし続けます。 スキップする大きさが bs= で指定した大きさです。 あまり小さくすると転送速度が遅くなるようです。


dd_rescue copies data from one file (or block device) to another.
USAGE: dd_rescue [options] infile outfile
Options: -s ipos start position in input file (default=0),
-S opos start position in output file (def=ipos),
-b softbs block size for copy operation (def=65536),
-B hardbs fallback block size in case of errs (def=512),
-e maxerr exit after maxerr errors (def=0=infinite),
-m maxxfer maximum amount of data to be transfered (def=0=inf),
-y syncfrq frequency of fsync calls on outfile (def=512*softbs),
-l logfile name of a file to log errors and summary to (def=""),
-o bbfile name of a file to log bad blocks numbers (def=""),
-r reverse direction copy (def=forward),
-t truncate output file (def=no),
-d/Duse O_DIRECT for input/output (def=no),
-w abort on Write errors (def=no),
-a spArse file writing (def=no),
-A Always write blocks, zeroed if err (def=no),
-i interactive: ask before overwriting data (def=no),
-f force: skip some sanity checks (def=no),
-p preserve: preserve ownership / perms (def=no),
-q quiet operation,
-v verbose operation,
-V display version and exit,
-h display this help and exit.
Note: Sizes may be given in units b(=512), k(=1024), M(=1024^2) or G(1024^3) bytes


# dd_rescue /dev/hda /dev/hdb -b 65536 -B 512


# ddrescue -r 3 /dev/hdb /dev/hda


check a Linux ext2/ext3 file system
-a This option does the same thing as the -p option. It is provided
for backwards compatibility only; it is suggested that people use
-p option whenever possible.

-b superblock
Instead of using the normal superblock, use an alternative
superblock specified by superblock. This option is normally used
when the primary superblock has been corrupted. The location of
the backup superblock is dependent on the filesystem’s blocksize.
For filesystems with 1k blocksizes, a backup superblock can be
found at block 8193; for filesystems with 2k blocksizes, at block
16384; and for 4k blocksizes, at block 32768.

Additional backup superblocks can be determined by using the mke2fs
program using the -n option to print out where the superblocks were
created. The -b option to mke2fs, which specifies blocksize of
the filesystem must be specified in order for the superblock loca-
tions that are printed out to be accurate.

If an alternative superblock is specified and the filesystem is not
opened read-only, e2fsck will make sure that the primary superblock
is updated appropriately upon completion of the filesystem check.

-B blocksize
Normally, e2fsck will search for the superblock at various differ-
ent block sizes in an attempt to find the appropriate block size.
This search can be fooled in some cases. This option forces e2fsck
to only try locating the superblock at a particular blocksize. If
the superblock is not found, e2fsck will terminate with a fatal

-c This option causes e2fsck to use badblocks(8) program to do a read-
only scan of the device in order to find any bad blocks. If any
bad blocks are found, they are added to the bad block inode to pre-
vent them from being allocated to a file or directory. If this
option is specified twice, then the bad block scan will be done
using a non-destructive read-write test.

-C fd This option causes e2fsck to write completion information to the
specified file descriptor so that the progress of the filesystem
check can be monitored. This option is typically used by programs
which are running e2fsck. If the file descriptor specified is 0,
e2fsck will print a completion bar as it goes about its business.
This requires that e2fsck is running on a video console or termi-
-d Print debugging output (useless unless you are debugging e2fsck).

-D Optimize directories in filesystem. This option causes e2fsck to
try to optimize all directories, either by reindexing them if the
filesystem supports directory indexing, or by sorting and com-
pressing directories for smaller directories, or for filesystems
using traditional linear directories.

-E extended_options
Set e2fsck extended options. Extended options are comma separated,
and may take an argument using the equals (’=’) sign. The follow-
ing options are supported:

Assume the format of the extended attribute blocks in
the filesystem is the specified version number. The
version number may be 1 or 2. The default extended
attribute version format is 2.

-f Force checking even if the file system seems clean.

-F Flush the filesystem device’s buffer caches before beginning. Only
really useful for doing e2fsck time trials.

-j external-journal
Set the pathname where the external-journal for this filesystem can
be found.

-k When combined with the -c option, any existing bad blocks in the
bad blocks list are preserved, and any new bad blocks found by run-
ning badblocks(8) will be added to the existing bad blocks list.

-l filename
Add the block numbers listed in the file specified by filename to
the list of bad blocks. The format of this file is the same as the
one generated by the badblocks(8) program. Note that the block
numbers are based on the blocksize of the filesystem. Hence, bad-
blocks(8) must be given the blocksize of the filesystem in order to
obtain correct results. As a result, it is much simpler and safer
to use the -c option to e2fsck, since it will assure that the cor-
rect parameters are passed to the badblocks program.

-L filename
Set the bad blocks list to be the list of blocks specified by file-
name. (This option is the same as the -l option, except the bad
blocks list is cleared before the blocks listed in the file are
added to the bad blocks list.)
-n Open the filesystem read-only, and assume an answer of ‘no’ to all
questions. Allows e2fsck to be used non-interactively. (Note: if
the -c, -l, or -L options are specified in addition to the -n
option, then the filesystem will be opened read-write, to permit
the bad-blocks list to be updated. However, no other changes will
be made to the filesystem.) This option may not be specified at
the same time as the -p or -y options.

-p Automatically repair ("preen") the file system. This option will
case e2fsck to automatically fix any filesystem problems that can
be safely fixed without human intervention. If e2fsck discovers a
problem which may require the system administrator to take addi-
tional corrective action, e2fsck will print a description of the
problem and then exit with the value 4 logically or’ed into the
exit code. (See the EXIT CODE section.) This option is normally
used by the system’s boot scripts. It may not be specified at the
same time as the -n or -y options.

-r This option does nothing at all; it is provided only for backwards

-s This option will byte-swap the filesystem so that it is using the
normalized, standard byte-order (which is i386 or little endian).
If the filesystem is already in the standard byte-order, e2fsck
will take no action.

-S This option will byte-swap the filesystem, regardless of its cur-
rent byte-order.

-t Print timing statistics for e2fsck. If this option is used twice,
additional timing statistics are printed on a pass by pass basis.

-v Verbose mode.

-V Print version information and exit.

-y Assume an answer of ‘yes’ to all questions; allows e2fsck to be
used non-interactively. This option may not be specified at the
same time as the -n or -p options.


# ext2fsck /dev/sda1

foremost - Recover files using their headers, footers, and data structures


Recover files from a disk image based on headers and footers specified by
the user.

-h Show a help screen and exit.

-V Show copyright information and exit.

-d Turn on indirect block detection, this works well for Unix file

-T Time stamp the output directory so you don’t have to delete the
output dir when running multiple times.

-v Enables verbose mode. This causes more information regarding the
current state of the program to be displayed on the screen, and is
highly recommended.

-q Enables quick mode. In quick mode, only the start of each sector is
searched for matching headers. That is, the header is searched only
up to the length of the longest header. The rest of the sector,
usually about 500 bytes, is ignored. This mode makes foremost run
considerably faster, but it may cause you to miss files that are
embedded in other files. For example, using quick mode you will not
be able to find JPEG images embedded in Microsoft Word documents.

Quick mode should not be used when examining NTFS file systems.
Because NTFS will store small files inside the Master File Table,
these files will be missed during quick mode.

-Q Enables Quiet mode. Most error messages will be suppressed.

-w Enables write audit only mode. No files will be extracted.

-a Enables write all headers, perform no error detection in terms of
corrupted files.

-b number
Allows you to specify the block size used in foremost. This is
relevant for file naming and quick searches. The default is 512.
ie. foremost -b 1024 image.dd

-k number
Allows you to specify the chunk size used in foremost. This can
improve speed if you have enough RAM to fit the image in. It
reduces the checking that occurs between chunks of the buffer. For
example if you had > 500MB of RAM.ie. foremost -k 500

-i file
The file is used as the input file. If no input file is specified
or the input file cannot be read then stdin is used.

-o directory
Recovered files are written to the directory directory.

-c file
Sets the configuration file to use. If none is specified, the file
"foremost.conf" from the current directory is used, if that doesn’t
exist then "/etc/foremost.conf" is used. The format for the config-
uration file is described in the default configuration file
included with this program. See the CONFIGURATION FILE section
below for more information.

-s number
Skips number blocks in the input file before beginning the search
for headers.


foremost can be used as follows to try to recover /dev/sda1, and copy in the /reovery:
# foremost -w -i /dev/sda1 -o /recovery


指定した loop デバイスを対応するファイルやデバイスから切り放す。
-E encryption_type
-e encryption_name
使用されていない最初の loop デバイスを見つける。 file 引き数が指定されている場合は、そのデバイスを使用する。指定されていない場合は、loop デバイスの名前を表示する。
-o offset
データの開始地点を指定したファイルやデバイスの offset バイトに移動する。
-p num
パスフレーズを端末からではなく、番号 num のファイルディスクリプタから読み込む。


loop deviceが不要になったら、
# losetup -d /dev/loop0


# Losetup /dev/loop0


指定した loop デバイスを対応する
# losetup /dev/loop0 test.img


Linux ソフトウェア RAID md デバイスの管理


-A, --assemble
-B, --build
-C, --create
-Q, --query
md デバイスや md アレイの構成デバイスについての情報を表示する。
-D, --detail
1 つまたは複数の md デバイスの詳細な情報を表示する。
-E, --examine
1 つまたは複数のデバイスの md スーパブロックの内容を表示する。
-F, --follow, --monitor
-h, --help
ヘルプメッセージを表示する。 このオプションに続いてモードを付加することで、そのモードについてのヘルプメッセージを表示する。
-V, --version
mdadm のバージョンを表示する。
-v, --verbose
バーボーズ表示。 より多くの情報を表示する。
-b, --brief
概要表示。 これは --detail や --examine と共に用いられる。
-f, --force
特定の操作をより強制的に行う。 実際の意味はモードによって異なるため、各モードの説明を参照のこと。
-c, --config=
コンフィグファイルの指定。 デフォルトは /etc/mdadm.conf 。 引数として “partitions” という単語が指定されると、ファイルとしてではなく /proc/partitions から得られる情報をもとに、対象となるデバイスのリストを自動的に取得する。 また “none” という単語が指定されるとコンフィグファイルは空とみなす (つまり /etc/mdadm.conf が存在してもその内容は読まれない) 。
-s, --scan
不足情報を補うためにコンフィグファイルか /proc/mdstat をスキャンする。 このオプションは不足する情報・・・例えばアレイを構成するデバイス,アレイデバイス(/dev/md*),アレイの ID,アラート通知先などをコンフィグファイルである /etc/mdadm.conf から得ることを mdadm に許可する。
ただし MISC モードにおいて--detailまたは --stop オプションと一緒に用いられたときは、アレイのリストを /proc/mdstat から得る。


• あるデバイスがRAIDアレイか、またはその一部かを調べる。
mdadm -Q /dev/name-of-device
• 標準コンフィグファイルに記述されているすべてのアレイを構成し、起動する。
mdadm -As
• 現在使われていないアレイをすべて停止する。
mdadm --stop --scan
• メールアドレスとプログラムがコンフィグファイルに記述されている前提で、すべてのアレイを監視する。ただしポーリン グ周期は2分とする。
mdadm -Fs --delay=120
• /dev/hda1と/dev/hdc1を使ってRAID1アレイ/dev/md0を作成する。
mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l1 -n2 /dev/hd[ac]1
• 4台のハードディスク(hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8)でRAID 5を構築するとしたら…

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/hda[5678]
• 現在アクティブなIDEまたはSCSIドライブパーティションで構成されたアレイを基準とし、コンフィグファイルの雛 形を作成する。
echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd*[0-9] /dev/sd*[0-9]' > mdadm.conf
mdadm --detail --scan >> mdadm.conf
• どのIDEまたはSCSIデバイスがアレイとして使われているかを調べる。パーティションではないことに注意。
echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd*[a-z]' > mdadm.conf
mdadm -Es -c mdadm.conf >> mdadm.conf
ここで作成されたファイルには不要な詳細情報も含まれるため、実際に使用する前に編集する必要があることに注意。特にdevice= のエントリは要チェック。
• Createモードに関するヘルプを表示する。
mdadm --create -help
• コンフィグファイルの書式についてのヘルプを表示する。
mdadm --config --help
• ただのヘルプ
mdadm –help

magicrescue - Scans a block device and extracts known file types by look-
ing at magic bytes.
-b blocksize
Default: 1. This will direct magicrescue to only consider files
that start at a multiple of the blocksize argument. The option
applies only to the recipes following it, so by specifying it mul-
tiple times it can be used to get different behavior for different

Using this option you can usually get better performance, but fewer
files will be found. In particular, files with leading garbage
(e.g. many mp3 files) and files contained inside other files are
likely to be skipped. Also, some file systems don’t align small
files to block boundaries, so those won’t be found this way either.

If you don’t know your file system’s block size, just use the value
512, which is almost always the hardware sector size.

-d directory
Mandatory. Output directory for found files. Make sure you have
plenty of free space in this directory, especially when extracting
very common file types such as jpeg or gzip files. Also make sure
the file system is able to handle thousands of files in a single
directory, i.e. don’t use FAT if you are extracting many files.

You should not place the output directory on the same block device
you are trying to rescue files from. This might add the same file
to the block device ahead of the current reading position, causing
magicrescue to find the same file again later. In the worst theo-
retical case, this could cause a loop where the same file is
extracted thousands of times until disk space is exhausted. You
are also likely to overwrite the deleted files you were looking for
in the first place.

-r recipe
Mandatory. Recipe name, file, or directory. Specify this as
either a plain name (e.g. "jpeg-jfif") or a path (e.g.
recipes/jpeg-jfif). If it doesn’t find such a file in the current
directory, it will look in ./recipes and PREFIX/share/magicres-
cue/recipes, where PREFIX is the path you installed to, e.g.

If recipe is a directory, all files in that directory will be
treated as recipes.

Browse the PREFIX/share/magicrescue/recipes directory to see what
recipes are available. A recipe is a text file, and you should
read the comments inside it before using it. Either use the recipe
as it is or copy it somewhere and modify it.

For information on creating your own recipes, see the "RECIPES"

-I file
Reads input files from file in addition to those listed on the com-
mand line. If file is "-", read from standard input. Each line
will be interpreted as a file name.

-M output_mode
Produce machine-readable output to stdout. output_mode can be:

i Print each input file name before processing

o Print each output file name after processing

io Print both input and output file names. Input file names will
be prefixed by "i" and a space. Output file names will be pre-
fixed by "o" and a space.

Nothing else will be written to standard output in this mode.

-O [+|-|=][0x]offset
Resume from the specified offset in the first device. If prefixed
with 0x it will be interpreted as a hex number.

The number may be prefixed with a sign:

= Seek to an absolute position (default)

+ Seek to a relative position. On regular files this does the
same as the above.

- Seek to EOF, minus the offset.

# magicrescue -d directory -r recipe device


Microsoft Windows のNTFSというファイルシステムの読み書きをサポートしたオープンソースのクロスプラットフォーム実装である。


# ntfs-3g /dev/hdb1 /media/winxp
# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows

Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost files
including video, documents and archives from Hard Disks and CDRom and lost
pictures (Photo Recovery) from digital camera memory. PhotoRec ignores the
filesystem and goes after the underlying data, so it’ll work even if your
media’s filesystem is severely damaged or formatted. PhotoRec is safe to
use, it will never attempt to write to the drive or memory support you are
about to recover lost data from.


/log create a photorec.log file

/debug add debug information

Scalpel は削除したファイルを復元するのに最適なコマンドラインツールの1つです。ほとんど全ての種類のファイルを復元することが出来ます。ファイルのデータブロックに連続してアクセスし削除したファイルを特定し即座に復元します。


Scalpel can be used as follows to try to recover the files to /mnt/backup :
# scalpel /dev/sda1 -o /mnt/backup

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-f, --force
change permissions to allow writing if necessary

-n, --iterations=N
Overwrite N times instead of the default (25)

-s, --size=N
shred this many bytes (suffixes like K, M, G accepted)

-u, --remove
truncate and remove file after overwriting

-v, --verbose
show progress

-x, --exact
do not round file sizes up to the next full block;

this is the default for non-regular files

-z, --zero
add a final overwrite with zeros to hide shredding

--help display this help and exit

output version information and exit
# shred -n 3 -v /dev/hdb


Scan and repair disk partitions

testdisk [/log] [/debug] [/dump]

testdisk /list [/log]

TestDisk checks and recovers lost partitions
It works with :
- BeFS (BeOS)
- BSD disklabel (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD)
- CramFS, Compressed File System
- DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32
- HFS and HFS+, Hierarchical File System
- JFS, IBM’s Journaled File System
- Linux Ext2 and Ext3
- Linux Raid
RAID 1: mirroring
RAID 4: striped array with parity device
RAID 5: striped array with distributed parity information
RAID 6: striped array with distributed dual redundancy information
- Linux Swap (versions 1 and 2)
- LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager
- Mac partition map
- Novell Storage Services NSS
- NTFS (Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista)
- ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4
- Sun Solaris i386 disklabel
- Unix File System UFS and UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...)
 XFS, SGI’s Journaled File System



repair an XFS filesystem
-f Specifies that the filesystem image to be processed is stored in a
regular file at device (see the mkfs.xfs -d file option). This
might happen if an image copy of a filesystem has been copied or
written into an ordinary file. This option implies that any exter-
nal log or realtime section is also in an ordinary file.

-L Force Log Zeroing. Forces xfs_repair to zero the log even if it is
dirty (contains metadata changes). When using this option the
filesystem will likely appear to be corrupt, and can cause the loss
of user files and/or data.

-l logdev
Specifies the device special file where the filesystem’s external
log resides. Only for those filesystems which use an external log.
See the mkfs.xfs -l option, and refer to xfs(5) for a detailed
description of the XFS log.

-r rtdev
Specifies the device special file where the filesystem’s realtime
section resides. Only for those filesystems which use a realtime
section. See the mkfs.xfs -r option, and refer to xfs(5) for a
detailed description of the XFS realtime section.

-n No modify mode. Specifies that xfs_repair should not modify the
filesystem but should only scan the filesystem and indicate what
repairs would have been made.

-o subopt[=value]
Override what the program might conclude about the filesystem if
left to its own devices.

The suboptions supported are:

overrides the default inode cache hash size. The total
number of inode cache entries are limited to 8 times this
amount. The default ihashsize is 1024 (for a total of
8192 entries).

overrides the default buffer cache hash size. The total
number of buffer cache entries are limited to 8 times
this amount. The default size is set to use up the
remainder of 75% of the system’s physical RAM. size

This creates additional processing threads to parallel
process AGs that span multiple concat units. This can
significantly reduce repair times on concat based

-t interval
Modify reporting interval. During long runs xfs_repair outputs its
progress every 15 minutes. Reporting is only activated when
ag_stride is enabled.

-P Disable prefetching of inode and directory blocks.

-v Verbose output.

-d Repair dangerously. Allow xfs_repair to repair an XFS filesystem
mounted read only. This is typically done on a root fileystem from
single user mode, immediately followed by a reboot.

-V Prints out the current version number and exits.


# xfs_repair /dev/hda

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